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This project aims to be a new generation of the popular LatexRender
filter which renders images for fragments.
This page is presently under construction and for the time being, plese see the summary page for more information about latexrender-ng or to download files.
LatexRender-ng makes it possible to render beautiful formulas like , or even like right in the middle of your html/xhtml code, seamlessly and correctly aligned with respect to the text baseline. It works even with different backgrounds and other css constructs, like for instance:
You can click on the above formulas to view their respective code. For instance, if you type [tex]\sqrt{2}[/tex] in your text, you should see as the result, or say [tex]ax^2+bx+c=0[/tex] should show as . The possibilities for communicating Mathematics on the web are endless.
Current Version
Version 0.6 of September 8, 2010.
- Provides a basic filter that looks for [tex]...[/tex] constructions in the html/xhtml/php code and replaces them with images produced by
and dvipng or dvisvgm.
- Supports rendering of png, gif or svg images. If you are using a browser which has native support to SVG, like Firefox, Opera and Safari, you can view this demo page consisting entirely of xhtml and svg. Unfortunately some other browsers like Internet Expolorer might not be able to view this page correctly, even if SVG viewing plugins are installed. Even though it contains about 200
formulas that have been translated into SVG, you might notice it loading instantly. The same page using just png images can be seen here. This should be viewable by all major browsers including Internet Explorer.
- The images are correctly aligned with respect to the baseline
- Clicking on an image causes a window to pop up and show the
code for that image. This makes it easier to copy and paste
- Several options allow for better integration with the html/xthml code, like class, style, etc. Furthermore, different font sizes are possible with the fontsize=".." option.
- The rendered images are stored in a cache to reduce the processing time and reduce the overhead on the webserver
- Different cache managers can be used depending on where the cached is to be stored. Presently there is the disk_image and the mysql_image cache managers.
- A filter for installation on moodle is included, and filters for other CMS's will be coming along soon.